UU Chalice Collection

Here is my collection of UU Chalices.  They were found all over the 
World Wide Web.  If I am violating anyones copyright e-mail me and
I will remove the image. As I rediscover the originators of these chalices I will credit them.
Please do not link to these images.  

My UU Chalice List

Chalice with Sky Blue Background:
Fireball Chalice : from Mac
Golden colorful chalice:
Moving ring chalice:
Green chalice:
Purple chalice:
Funky chalice:
Yellow chalice:
Rainbow flame chalice:
Red flame chalice:
Union of Souls : from Mac
An animated flame chalice:
small world chalice:
star chalice: : from Mac
twinkling candle chalice : from Riverside UU
moving flame chalice:
common chalice:
international uu chalice:
small uua chalice:
a stained glass chalice:
colorful chalice:
blue chalice with yellow flame:
Another animated chalice:
Craig's flame: A large file from OK
another fire chalice:
yellow flame in a chalice:
Sri Lanka chalice:
A "stained glass" look chalice:
Another stained glass chalice:
Purple on purple chalice:
Yellow flame in blue chalice:
Large UUA chalice:
Faith of the free icon:
another chalice:
English chalice:
flickering flame chalice:
jewel flame chalice:
nice double purple ring chalice:
real colorful chalice:
wild, draws itself chalice:
blue triangular chalice:
Small red chalice:
Big gold chalice in front of globe:
chalice with a vine growing:
another stain glass chalice: from Paint Branch UU in MD
animated chalice from Tennessee Valley UU

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